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School Details

Office Hours 7:45-4:00

Doors open at 7:40. Tardy bell rings at 8:15. All late students must be signed in the main office via Door A by a Parent or Guardian for safety and accountability reasons. All car-riders will enter via Door A (main entrance) and Door V (north side of campus at gym). Breakfast will be served from 7:40-8:10. In the afternoon, we will release car riders from the gym via Door V at 3:00 PM. All PM car riders need a number, and follow the traffic pattern that goes begins in the Car Rider station area. If you are unfamiliar with the traffic pattern, please see the videos found in the Car Rider Resource link. Bus riders will exit via Door M at 3:05 (wave #1) and at 3:15 (wave #2). By keeping all cars on the north side of the campus and buses on the south side of the campus, this will ensure a safer environment for guests and students.

Students signed out by a parent prior to 2:50 will be designated a tardy and will not be eligible for Perfect Attendance recognition.

Silver Creek Elementary was recognized as a Family Friendly School by the Indiana Department of Education. The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) designated 91 Indiana schools as 2023-2024 Family Friendly Schools. These schools – which span across the state and include public and non-public schools – are demonstrating excellence in engaging families in their children’s education. Launched in 2015, the Family Friendly Schools designation focuses on addressing the academic, physical, emotional, and social needs of students, while providing the needed resources and fostering the active involvement of their families through schools and the community. The program recognizes and honors schools that welcome all families into the school community, communicate effectively, support student success, speak up for every child, share power and collaborate with the community.  

On Wednesdays we release 15 minutes early, so teachers can meet in Professional Learning Communities.

On 2 hour Delayed Days, doors will open at 9:40. Tardy bell rings at 10:15.

Car Rider Release – 3:00 (Door V will open)

Bus Rider Release – 3:05 and 3:15 (via Door M)


Lost and Found!

Please be sure to write your child's first and last name on all items.  All items left will be donated to a local non-profit organization each Friday.


Meet Our Office Staff

1 2 > showing 1 - 10 of 11 constituents

Sandy Myers

Sandy Myers
Titles: Principal

Jonathan Sifers

Jonathan Sifers
Titles: Assistant Principal

Kristin Bye

Kristin Bye
Titles: Assistant Principal

Jaclyn Goode

Jaclyn Goode
Titles: Counselor

Krista Williams

Krista Williams
Titles: Secretary

Gina Scott

Gina Scott
Titles: Treasurer

Lori Woodward

Lori Woodward
Titles: Attendance Secretary

Andrea Anderson

Andrea Anderson
Titles: Title 1 Interventionist

Candice Feldmann

Candice Feldmann
Titles: Title One Coach

Andrea Harshey RN

Andrea Harshey RN
Titles: Nurse